Photo of Eugenia Llull Sema Spain

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Llull Eugenia, born in Palma de Mallorca on May 30, 1978, is the sixth of seven children of the Majorcan artist Aleix Llull died in 1986.
In 1997 started studying Fine Arts at the University of Seville.


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63.78 x 35.04 in
7.87 x 15.75 in
7.87 x 15.75 in
23.62 x 23.62 in
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Llull Eugenia, born in Palma de Mallorca on May 30, 1978, is the sixth of seven children of the Majorcan artist Aleix Llull died in 1986.
In 1997 started studying Fine Arts at the University of Seville.


2007 Doctoral Courses Research and Creation in Art in the EHU-UPV Leioa, Bizkaia.

2003 Certificate of Pedagogic Aptitude (CAP) in the UCM.

2002 Bachelor of Fine Arts at the EHU-UPV.

2002 Erasmus Program at L'Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris.


2010 Course of Graphic Design, CETIC (280h), Vitoria-Gasteiz.

font-family: "Century Gothic" "> 2009 Course Freehand, Institute Europe (30h), Vitoria-Gasteiz.

2008 III Painting Workshop "Sense and shadow: Masters of Figuration" Directed by Antonio Lopez and Juan José Aquerreta, University of Navarra, Pamplona, Pamplona.

2008 Lithography Workshop led by Don Herbert, Art Leku, Donostia-San Sebastian.

2007 II Painting Workshop "Sense and shadow: Masters of Figuration" Directed by Antonio Lopez and Juan José Aquerreta, University of Navarra, Pamplona, Pamplona.

9pt; font-family: "Century Gothic" "> 2006 Course portrait in The Florence Academy of Art, Florence.

2001 Course Photoshop Altube Association, Vitoria-Gasteiz.


2006/10 design work and painting.

2005/06 Baccalaureate Professor of Art History, Education Center Arangoya, Bilbao.

2004/05 Secondary and Secondary Teacher of Art and Technical Drawing, College Ayalde, Loiu, Bizkaia.

2002 Collaboration as a professor in the School of Arts and Crafts. Program "Art and Sport" promoted by the Diputación Foral de Álava.

1998-1908 Professor of Painting & Crafts child.

1997 December. Organizer of the "Conference on Spain and the Antilles to the 98", Universidad de Sevilla.


2003 Painting Competition Selected for outdoor Urnieta, Gipuzkoa.

2002 Second Prize in Painting Competition VI outdoor Urdangarín Aitor Gallery, Vitoria-Gasteiz.

1999 Selected for Young Painting Competition in La Castellana, Madrid.


2007 November. Individual University of Navarra, Pamplona, Pamplona.

2007 June. Barrainkua individual room, Bilbao.

2005 May. Barrainkua individual room, Bilbao.

2005 Collective Foundation Campolo, Burgos.

2004 May. Individual Art Gallery XXI, Madrid.

2003 November. Collective Painting Exhibition Outdoor Urnieta, Gipuzkoa.

2002 November. Collective Painting Exhibition Gallery Outdoor Aitor Urdangarín, Vitoria-Gasteiz.

1998 Collective

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